Minutes of WLUG AGM 2022 - 23 January 2023
- Rod Aldridge
- Peter Reutemann
- Ian Stewart
- Tony Templer
The AGM attempted to commence at 7:52 pm. There were insufficient attendees to meet quorum.
A second attempt at having an AGM will be held on 27 February 2023 at 7:30pm
It would be ideal to have an AGM in order to meet commitments we have as an Incorpoated Society with the Ministry of Business Development. E.g. Submit to them our signed-off Treasurer's Report for 2022.
In the event of the AGM not being able to appoint officiers and a committee, then we would need to proceed with desolving the Waikato Linux Users Groups Incorporated Society status.
As an Incorporated Society our only asset is the funds in our ASB Society Bank account. In accordance with our charter "any property ~ shall be given or transferred to some other organisation or body having objects similar to the objects of the Waikato Linux Users Groups (Incorporated)."
Based on the above the NZ Open Source Society may be suitable to receive our remaining funds. However we are open to suggestions of other organisations.