Waikato Linux Users Group (WLUG)

Status of the Waikato Linux Users Group: DISSOLVED

The Waikato Linux Users Group Incorporated operated for over 20 years. At the 2022 Annual General Meeting it was agreed to dissolve this incorporated society.

We no longer have meetings and do not accept registration for membership.

This Nikola generated website has been kept as an historical record of wlug.org.nz. The source code of this website may be reviewed at: https://github.com/wlug/wlug.github.io

23 February 2023

Welcome to the Waikato Linux Users Group (WLUG). We are based in Hamilton, New Zealand and initially provided for our Waikato region. All our work and presentations are done by volunteers.

Although our group originally focused on the Linux operating system, our focus has broadened to encompass all Open Source Software.

We have monthly meetings where we present a topic and afterward have topical discussions. We'd like to welcome you along to our meetings. For more information please see Meetings.

Membership is now paused, but please get in contact if you are interested. Join.

For more details about our Society.

You may also like to subscribe to our Mailing list.

We use GitHub to store previous presentation and demonstration files. See Repository.

We have some other information that may be of interest in History.

If you want to get in touch with us, then see Contact.

We are grateful for sponsorship from:

Plus you can go to our YouTube channel and look at past presentations that we've recorded YouTube