Minutes of WLUG AGM 2021 - 24 January 2022
- Rod Aldridge
- Tom Butz
- Chris O'Halloran
- Peter Reutemann
- Jeff Seymour
- Ian Stewart
- Tony Templer
The AGM commenced at 7:53 pm.
Minutes for AGM 2020
Ian read the minutes for the 2020 AGM that had been held on 25 January 2021.
Peter moved the minutes be accepted as an accurate record of the meeting. Rod seconded. Unanimous vote in favour.
President's Report
Peter thanked our sponsors for 2021:
The head of the school of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, associate professor Annika Hinze, for sponsoring the meeting room again. Due to Covid lockdowns, some meetings were held online.
RimuHosting for providing the hosting of our web-site.
Daniel Lawson for providing hosting for the WLUG wiki.
NZ Open Source Society (NZOSS) for allowing us to use their Big Blue Button website to have video conferencing during the Covid19 lock-down. The BBB software was recently upgraded.
Tony, Jeff and Rod, for providing the refreshments when we had meetings at MS4.G.02.
On a sad note, Ian Young passed away in 2021.
John Thompson was very ill at the end of the year. After treatment in hospital John now seems to be recovering OK.
Our membership remained at 11. Although we dropped one member, but added a new member.
The presentations at meetings included:
- Syncthing
- Fast Reverse Proxy
- Embedded BASIC in LibreOffice
- Nextcloud
- Introduction to GIT
- Linux intro evening
- Home Assistant for home automation
- Video processing
- Xen server virtualization software
Attendance at meetings was lower than the year before. The virtual meetings didn't help the attendence numbers. Not as many students as we hoped for. Of the 11 meetings in the year, four of them were virtual. The virtual meetings were recorded.
GetTogether wasn't used. However it is still running. Most people find us through Meetup.com. Continue using Meetup.com as price seems to be about constant. Plan to drop using GetTogether.
As BBB can now be recorded, and recordings may be extracted as mp4 files. Plan to add the recordings to our youtube channel.
There was a plan to move the wiki data, like the AGM minutes, to a WLUG github.io website. However no progress was made on making this move.
Peter moved that President's report be accepted. Rod seconded. Unanimously accepted.
Treasurer's Report
Ian prepared and presented the Treasurer's Report. We had a small profit for the year. Our regular expenses are the continuing of our domain name registration and use of Meetup.com.
Our financial year continues to be from 1st January to 31st December.
Ian moved the Treasurer's Report be accepted and Chris seconded. Unanimously agreed.
Election of Committee for 2022
The following Officers were re-elected. There were no changes from 2021.
- President: Peter Reutemann.
- Vice President: Chris O'Halloran.
- Treasurer: Tony Templer.
- Secretary: Ian Stewart.
Peter contacted Lawerence and Roger by e-mail and they replied that they agreed to be on the Committee again. Tom offered to be a replacement for Jacob.
- Roger Hardy.
- Lawrence D'Oliverio.
- Tom Butz.
Peter proposed the Officers and Committee. Chris seconded. Unanimously agreed.
General Business Agenda
RimuHosting recently migrated the machine running our website to another virtual machine without any problems.
Migrating some of the RimuHosting and Wiki material to github.io. Look at possibly having a CNAME for our current domain to point to wlug.github.io.
Ian will set up a wlug.github.io Nikola website as a start as replacement of important content on RimuHosting and the Wiki. May need to talk to Daniel about keeping Wiki as a static website.
Peter to check with lecturers on what they use for applications. Try to promote meetings that use open source and appeal to the Uni students.
Aim to have meetings which are held at MS4.G.02 to also be on BBB.
The AGM concluded at 8:48 pm.
This document was converted from tikiwiki to gfm (github format markdown) format by Ian Stewart. 2022-02-08.