Minutes of WLUG AGM 28/11/2016
Meeting opened 28 November 2016 at 8:00pm
- Roderick Aldridge
- Lawrence D'Oliveiro
- William Mckee
- Peter Reutemann
- Jeffrey Seymour
- Ian Stewart
- Tony Templer
- John Thompson
- Ian Young
Minutes for AGM 2015
The minutes for the 2015 AGM were reviewed. Rod accepted minutes as a true account and John seconded.
President Report
Peter thanked our WLUG web-site sponsor Rimu Hosting. He also thanked the Waikato University Computer Science Department for sponsoring the room for the monthly meetings. The director of the department has stated that this sponsorship will be extended for 2017.
The use of Meetup.com has been beneficial in promoting WLUG and reminding members of the up-coming meetings. We will continue to use this professional service.
We should aim at re-registering as a society. Our registration lapsed some years ago. Re-registering will involve a one time cost. We have the cash on hand to cover this cost.
Peter also stated he is happy to continue as President.
John moved the President report be accepted, and Ian seconded.
Treasurer Status Update
Tony advised us of the current financial status of WLUG.
Income for 2016: Membership subscriptions were the only source of income for 2016. Any payments received in cash have been banked. Although WLUG wiki web-site has advertisements it's assumed that there are not enough clicks to generate any income.
Expenses: Payment to Meetup.com for providing services, and the purchase of pizza's on AGM night were the only expenses for 2016. There was no need to make payment for WLUG Domain Name registration in 2016 as the payment last year is valid for 3 years.
Bank balance: Income exceeded expenses, so the balance has increased.
A Financial Report will be provided at a Special General Meeting that is proposed to be on Monday 23 January 2017 at 19:30.
The authority to sign for withdrawals from the WLUG ASB account is currently with: Chris, Rene, and Peter.
Motion proposed by Peter: John and Ian obtain authority to sign for withdrawals from the ASB account. Contact Rene and retrieve ASB bank token generator/dongle and have it authorised to John. Seconded: Ian.
Election of Committee for 2017
Tony proposed and William seconded that the following committee members be re-elected in their same position:
- President: Peter Reutemann
- Secretary: Ian Stewart
- General Committee #1: Rodrick Aldridge
- General Committee #2: Lawrence D'Oliveiro
- General Committee #3: Ian Young
Ian proposed and John seconded that the Vice-President be decided at the SGM on 23 January 2017.
Peter proposed John to take over from Tony as Treasurer. Tony will continue in an assistant role to help John. Seconded: Tony.
General Business Agenda
- Future of Wlug library books:
Discussion of this has been moved to the SGM on 23 January 2017. Chris currently takes care of storing all the library books. It was suggested the books could be donated to Hamilton Library.
- Subscription:
Ian suggested the WLUG goal should be to have the subscription set to an amount for the WLUG to break-even rather than generate a profit. John moved and Rod seconded that the subscription stay at $20 for 2017 year and be placed on the agenda for the 2017 AGM.
- Mailing list policy:
In an attempt to prevent job offer spam on the mailing list, the Mailing list policy will be modified to include:
The job offer is open source operating systems related. Job is suitable for someone resident in NZ. All available details are posted rather than a link.
Moved by Peter and seconded by Ian.
Peter closed the meeting at: 9:24pm. Peter and William went to get pizzas.
This document was converted from tikiwiki to gfm (github flavoured markdown) format by Ian Stewart. 2022-02-17.