Minutes of WLUG AGM - 2 October 2006
Location: TW.2.07, University of Waikato
Meeting opened at 7:45pm.
Present: 19
1. Membership signup/collection of subscriptions
Subscriptions have been collected from 20 members (including pre-AGM signups for the 2006 year).
2. Apologies
Matthias Dallmeier submits his apologies.
3. Minutes of 2005 AGM
Motion: that the minutes are a true and accurate record of the previous Annual General Meeting
Moved: Perry Lorier
Seconded: Alastair Porter
4. Matters arising
There are no matters arising from the previous AGM.
5. President's report
Lindsay Druett presented the President's report. He explained that the year has passed very quickly; after being elected, he was very quickly approached by members asking what the WLUG could do for new users. From there the fixit workshops were born - thanks to Bruce Kingsbury for arranging these events and to Bruce and his family for hosting most of them.
Software Freedom Day was very well organised - thanks to Craig Box, as well as Ian McDonald and Bruce for helping out - around 300 CDs were given away to members of the public. We deliberately didn't run an Installfest - the promotional part was done via SFD, and fixit workshops have mostly taken the place of installfests, although it would be good to again run an installfest in the next year.
We need to thank Orcon for taking over Hoiho's hosting last year, and HP for donated us a server (through work done by Craig and Ian). We have also invested in a good quality promotional banner.
Special thanks were made to Craig for 4 years of dedication to WLUG, and also to Ian and Dave for their support this year, and Perry and Matthias for their help on the committee.
He would like more members on the committee to take on more of a role - for this, more support is needed. It is unfortunate that the election is all a one horse race, with no no other people standing up (and none for the secretary position!)
In closing, Lindsay wished to thanks everyone for being WLUG and especially for everyones help in making SFD happen.
6. Treasurer's report
- Balance at last AGM: $1264.87
- 2005-2006 year: $1596.10 income
- 2004-2005 Expenses: $1248.64
- Balance brought forward: $1655.17
Motion: that the society accepts the accounts as presented by the treasurer, and that the members do not elect to seek auditing for the 2005/2006 year.
Moved: Craig Box
Seconded: Lindsay Druett
7. Election of officers
The following officers were duly elected:
- President: Ian McDonald
- Vice President: Lindsay Druett
- Secretary: Bruce Kingsbury
- Treasurer: James Pluck
The following general committee members were duly elected:
- Simon Green
- Chris O'Halloran
- Rod Aldridge
10. General business
Meeting closed at 8:39pm.
This document was converted from tikiwiki to gfm (github format markdown) format by Ian Stewart. 2022-08-25.