Minutes of WLUG AGM 2009 - 23 November 2009

7:30pm MS4.G.02

2009 AGM Agenda

  • Approval of 2008 AGM minutes
  • President's Report
  • Treasurer's Report
  • Election of Officers

  • (Don't forget to do CommitteeHandover this year)

General Business

bylaw change (see bottom of this page): http://wlug.org.nz/WlugSysadmins


It wasn't until 8:55 did we establish our present membership was 25 current members. 11 members were present at the meeting, and 2 were contactable by phone and able to submit votes if necessary.

We established this was a quorum sufficient for electing officers and proceeding with the meeting.

We approved the minutes of the past AGM, although with the understanding that they were incomplete. Approval moved by Bruce, seconded by Liz.

Bruce gave a president's report, and outlines some of the things we did in the past year, and some ideas/goals for the next year.

John Billings gave the Treasurers Report.

The ending balance for the 2009 year was $613.81.


Ronnie Collinson was nominated for President. No one opposed. It was put to a vote and by a show of hands he was elected by majority.

Rod Aldridge was nominated for Vice President. No one opposed. It was put to a vote and by a show of hands he was elected by majority.

John Billings was nominated for Treasurer. No one opposed. It was put to a vote and by a show of hands he was elected by majority.

Bruce Kingsbury was nominated for Secretary. No one opposed. It was put to a vote and by a show of hands he was elected by majority.

Tom Butz was nominated for the general committee. No one opposed. It was put to a vote and by a show of hands he was elected by majority.

Liz Quilty was nominated for the general committee. No one opposed. It was put to a vote and by a show of hands she was elected by majority.

Stephen Heywood was nominated for the general committee. No one opposed. It was put to a vote and by a show of hands he was elected by majority.

After the elections there was much rejoicing.

After the rejoicing there was brief discussion about the Librarian role, and John Billings agreed to serve that role for the next year. The committee will look into reestablishing relationships with book donors, procuring new books, and discarding old books and magazines that are not wanted.

Bruce Kingsbury agreed to server as the mailing list administrator.

It was agreed that any bylaw changes to include the roles of Librarian and SysAdmin should be held at another meeting. Possibly an SGM in February.

The voting members present at the meeting signed up to become members for the next year. The meeting adjourned at approx 9:30.

This document was converted from tikiwiki to gfm (github format markdown) format by Ian Stewart. 2022-08-25.