Minutes of WLUG 2008 SGM - 20 October 2008

Meeting opened 7.15pm

Original motion:

"That the WLUG charter be amended to allow former paid members of the WLUG, whose membership has lapsed, to vote at an AGM of the WLUG with the proviso that they pay a new subscription at or before the AGM."

Was considered and after discussion and revised wording was proposed.

"That the WLUG charter be amended to allow former paid members of the WLUG of good standing, whose membership has lapsed, to vote at an AGM of the WLUG with the proviso that they rejoin the WLUG and pay a new subscription at or before the AGM."

Moved: James Pluck Seconded: Bruce Kingsbury

Those for: 8

Those against:1


Minutes of WLUG 2008 AGM - 20 October 2008

Meeting opened 7.30pm

Approval of 2007 AGM minutes

Moved:ChrisOhalloran Seconded:BruceKingsbury


President's Report

Treasurer's Report

Amendment to Constitution

Election of Officers

President: James Pluck - Passed

Vice President: Bruce Kingsbury - Passed

Secretary: Chris Ohalloran - Passed

Treasurer: John Billings - Passed

Committee: Bryce Utting, Rod Aldridge, Liz Quilty - Passed

General Business

With respect to the ongoing promotion of Software Freedom Day, it was proposed to move the WLUG calender year to a Jan-Dec year to smooth committee work load. This amendment applies to Rule 3 of the Wlug Charter

Moved:Daniel Lawson Seconded:Rod Aldridge


Meeting closed 8.55pm

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